
Vinyl Count Down

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Vinyl Count Down

Free Vinyl Count Down Slot OnlineThis is simply a great game with lots and lots of fun. It actually takes us to 1950’s America. It does not talk about anything dark at that period of time but of fun stuffs such as disco balls, juke boxes and vinyl records. 1950 is actually the era of rocking. So if you are a fan of rocking you must try this game as soon as possible. This is a 5-reel game with simple 9 pay lines. It is a perfect set up for a great free slot game.

Free Vinyl Count Down Slot Online

The only set back of this game is that this game does not provide many bonus features. But a wild and a scatter symbols are available for the players to boost their winning chances. The game is finely designed to match the theme. Graphics and animations of this free slot game are cartoon characters and quite classic. This free slot game is also one of the easiest to play slot games available from the today’s market.

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